Game Dev Tales: Confessions of a Professional Procrastinator

Game Dev Tales

Game Dev Tales: Confessions of a Professional Procrastinator


In the thrilling world of game development, we battle more than just code bugs and tight deadlines. Yes, dear reader, there is a more nefarious foe at large: the seductive whisper of procrastination. Today, we’re pulling back the curtain to share our tales of professional procrastination, and offer some (hopefully helpful) tips to defeat this insidious beast. Buckle up!


Understanding Procrastination

Let’s kick things off with a fundamental question: what is procrastination? Well, imagine having a towering inferno of tasks looming overhead. Instead of dousing the flames, you decide it’s the perfect time to alphabetize your coffee mug collection. Procrastination is the strange, often illogical, art of doing everything but the task at hand. It’s a peculiar occupational hazard in game development, perhaps because our work often feels like play.

The Creative Block

Creative block is procrastination’s pesky sidekick. This dynamic duo creates the perfect storm for avoiding important tasks. Ever noticed how you suddenly yearn to learn underwater basket weaving when faced with a tricky coding problem? That’s creative block unlocking the door for procrastination to saunter in.


The Infinite Distractions of the Internet

Our first tale begins with a classic culprit: the internet. One of our developers decided to take a “quick” break to check social media. Two hours later, they found themselves embroiled in a fierce debate on the best type of cheese in a forum dedicated to lactose-intolerant hamsters. Moral of the story? The internet is a Pandora’s box of distractions – proceed with caution!

The Sudden Interest in Cleaning

Cleaning. It’s a chore we typically avoid, right? Not so for another member of our team, who discovered a sudden, profound interest in spring cleaning. With a critical deadline looming, they decided it was the perfect time to deep clean their keyboard. Spoiler alert: it didn’t make the code bugs disappear, but at least their keys were crumb-free!

The Unexpected Side Projects

Procrastination often breeds surprising creativity. One developer, overwhelmed with a complex game feature, started a completely unrelated side project. Instead of facing the problem head-on, they spent a week creating a simulation of ant colonies. Not particularly useful, but hey, it’s an excellent distraction!

The ‘Just One More Game’ Promise

Lastly, we have the infamous “just one more game” saga. Intended as a short breather, one developer’s quick gaming session spiraled into an all-night marathon. By sunrise, they hadn’t made any progress on their tasks but had earned the top spot on the leaderboard. Win-win… sort of?


Time Management Tools

When it comes to fighting procrastination, time management tools are our Excalibur. From apps like Trello and Asana to old-school techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, there are countless weapons at our disposal. Just make sure that organizing your to-do list doesn’t become another form of procrastination!

Breaks and Productivity

Breaks are a double-edged sword. They can refresh your mind, but they can also lead you down the rabbit hole of procrastination. Remember, breaks are like snacks: enjoyable in moderation, but too many can lead to a productivity bellyache.

Celebrating Small Victories

Finally, it’s essential to celebrate small victories. Fixed a stubborn bug? Treat yourself! Completed a tricky level design? Do a happy dance! These small moments of joy can fuel your motivation and keep procrastination at bay.


In the game dev world, procrastination is often the final boss. But as long as we eventually get back to vanquishing code bugs and designing epic gameplay experiences, a few detours along the way can add a splash of humor to our journeys. And remember, even if we occasionally get lost in a forum thread about space-traveling penguins, as long as the games get made, that’s all that really matters. So, keep fighting the good fight, and happy developing!