Indie Games 101: How to Master Pretentious Titles and Hipster Gameplay

Indie Games 101

Indie Games 101: How to Master Pretentious Titles and Hipster Gameplay


Hello, enlightened game connoisseurs! Have you ever noticed how indie games often bear titles that sound like they’ve been ripped from the pages of a lost Shakespearean manuscript, paired with gameplay mechanics as obscure as the last verse of a beatnik poem? We have. So, today, we’re diving into the delightful universe of pretentious indie game titles and hipster gameplay. Buckle up!


Let’s begin our journey with the art of indie game naming. If you’re looking for your daily dose of pretentiousness, indie game titles are a great place to start. Some make you ponder about life, others leave you mildly confused, and a select few make you go, “Did I miss the memo about random objects being profound?” Let’s explore!

The Rule of Three: “The Path”, “The Void”, “The Swapper”

Ah, the rule of three. Not the comedic principle, but the indie game industry’s odd fascination with single-word, mysterious titles. Titles like “The Path”, “The Void”, and “The Swapper” sound like the chapters in a philosophical treatise. With their simplicity and ambiguity, they captivate us, forcing us to pause and wonder, “What path? Into what void? Swap what exactly?” But isn’t that what pretentiousness is all about? It’s a trailer of profound thoughts with no actual plot.

Random Object Titles: “Salt and Sanctuary”, “Oxenfree”, “Firewatch”

Next up, the “Random Object Title” group. Here we have titles like “Salt and Sanctuary”, “Oxenfree”, and “Firewatch”. These games take seemingly unrelated objects and mash them together to create a title that’s as mystifying as a Dali painting. Are we seeking sanctuary for our salt? Watching fires? Are we freeing oxen? What’s going on? Guess we’ll never know, and perhaps, that’s the beauty of it.


Now that we’ve conquered the enigma of indie game titles let’s journey into the realm of hipster gameplay. This is where norms crumble, and the unconventional reigns supreme.

Going Against the Norm: “Papers, Please”, “Her Story”, “Return of the Obra Dinn”

Games like “Papers, Please”, “Her Story”, and “Return of the Obra Dinn” rip up the rule book and toss it into the abyss of normality. Who needs heroes and epic quests when you can experience the thrilling life of a border control officer in a dystopian state? Or solve a murder mystery by watching fragmented videos? Or investigate the fate of a ghost ship using a magic pocket watch? These games scoff at norms and embrace the unique, drawing us into their unconventional world.

The Joy of Simplicity: “Stardew Valley”, “Slime Rancher”, “Untitled Goose Game”

Another aspect of hipster gameplay is the joy of simplicity. Games like “Stardew Valley”, “Slime Rancher”, and the fantastically named “Untitled Goose Game” take simple, often mundane tasks, and transform them into captivating gameplay. Farming and community life? Capturing slimes on an alien planet? Being a pesky goose? Sign us up! These games prove that you don’t need to save the world to have a good time; sometimes, you just need to annoy the local townsfolk as a mischievous goose.


Now, what happens when a game marries a seemingly pretentious title with hipster gameplay and manages to become a cult classic? Let’s take a look.

The Cult Classics: “Braid”, “Limbo”, “Celeste”

“Braid”, “Limbo”, “Celeste” – sound familiar? These games, despite their ostentatious titles and hipster gameplay, have cemented their status in the indie game hall of fame. They’ve managed to take what might seem pretentious or quirky and turned it into something genuinely profound and engaging. They have shown us that you can defy norms, make players question their sanity, and still produce a game that’s nothing short of a masterpiece.


So, there you have it, fellow game enthusiasts – a journey through the pretentious, the hipster, and the downright quirky world of indie games. Remember, a title is just a title, and gameplay is just that – play. Whether it’s steeped in pretension or oozing with hipster charm, at the end of the day, it’s the character of the game that makes us fall in love with it. Or is it the other way around? Who knows? In the words of a truly pretentious person, “It’s all relative.”

Keep gaming, stay quirky, and till next time – may all your titles be profound and your gameplay hipster!